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More Than My Appearance | Hailey Gates

Spring 2019 Campaign

#MORETHAN with Hailey Gates

Leading the launch of AG’s spring ‘19 campaign is model, actress, and journalist, Hailey Gates. Somewhat of a seasoned expert in the art of proving-people-wrong, Gates embodies AG’s MORE THAN ethos – the idea that we are in a constant state of overcoming and disassembling the notion that who and what we are is limited to what we see on the surface. As we follow Hailey Gates’ career trajectory from NYU art student/model to hosting Viceland series States of Undress, we begin to beg the question:

Who really is Hailey Gates?
Watch the video to discover how Gates reconciles her journalistic astuteness with being underestimated, and what drives her to feel More Than.

AG: Introduce yourself - where are you from, where do you currently reside, how has that shaped you?
Hailey Gates: I was born in Los Angeles CA and currently live in New York. It's strange to grow up in a young city, it always felt to me like LA didn’t respect itself enough to preserve its history which was always frustrating to me. Now it seems to have found its footing and the preservation movement is more robust. But I've always been interested in the history of Los Angeles and California. No one ever believes I am from LA, but I do feel very much like I am from the west. 

AG: You speak of irreverent women – do you identify as irreverent? When do you think that started for you?
HG: I don't like rules. I don't like dress codes. I have spent the past 3 years trying to understand the intricacies of the ways in which dress codes are put in place to police women’s bodies. So naturally the women I gravitate towards are the ones dressing in defiance. 

“I have always thought it to be an incredibly tall order to have to somehow marry your inner-self with your outward shell. I often look at myself in the mirror and am shocked by my the way you feel you look inside and the way your present yourself."